Month: February 2019

Advantages of Duplex Electroless Nickel Coatings

Electroplating has been a popular and effective coating process for many years. As with any industrial coating process, electroplating has made significant advances over the past three decades. Today, plating options like electroless nickel plating give professional coaters the ability to tailor coatings to specific applications. In this guide, we will present some of the many advantages of an electroless nickel (EN) plating process called double-layer or “duplex” EN coating.

Electroless Nickel Plating vs. Duplex Plating

Electroless nickel plating is the process by which a metal substrate is coated with a thin layer of a nickel alloy using chemical baths and catalytic processes to achieve the desired coating. Unlike traditional electroplating finishes, no electrical current is passed through the chemical baths; instead, complex chemistry is essential in coating the substrate with an appropriate nickel alloy layer, such as nickel-boron or nickel-phosphorus.

Duplex EN coating takes the electroless process and adds …

Start Collecting Old and New Gold Coins

Do you know how many coins are currently in active circulation around the world? How about how many coins are not in active circulation as valid currency but in the vaults and books of coin collectors?

The answer to both of these questions is: no idea. Although we can have a pretty good estimate for most countries, the very nature of coins means that trying to get an exact figure is near impossible. Coins are lost, coins are found. In the world of coin collection people hope to find more than they lose of course.

Getting Your Start in Numismatics 

In other helpful information – did you know that there is no separate word in the English language that specifically means a person who collects old gold coins? Instead the term for a person who studies currency is used as a blanket term to cover both the more academic pursuit …